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NEW SEGMENT DURING CHURCH SERVICES: "Why I choose to belong to MCC Sydney"

Hi Friends, We are introducing a new weekly segment into our church services where a member/friend of MCC Sydney shares a brief 2 minute (or less) testimony of why they choose to belong to MCC Sydney! The idea is that we want to celebrate what God has done, to share the stories that make us "us", and highlight that there are many ways to give through our time, talent, and treasure in our church community! Below are some focus questions to choose from in order to answer the question, "Why I choose to belong to MCC Sydney" I would like as many of us as possible to make a video with your smartphone and email it to me at You can make more than 1 video! Remember, we want to make this a regular segment of our church services moving forward! I hope to get a video from you so we can help celebrate the Spirit of God who keeps this community strong, even through a pandemic! Please choose ONE question only to focus your video on. Videos should be no more than 2 minutes long! Let's tell the world why we choose to belong to MCC Sydney!

  • How you have felt called to worship and give thanks to God over this past week

  • A moment when MCC helped you overcome a difficulty

  • How you have felt called to care for the natural world and all living creatures

  • A time when you learned how to trust in God

  • A moment when what you learned at MCC helped you respond to a challenging situation

  • A time when you used your heart or mind, or soul, or body to love & serve God and MCC in some way

  • Recall a spiritual experience that was given to you as a result of attending MCC

  • A time when you noticed someone’s generosity at MCC

  • A time when you felt called to offer a generous gift at MCC

  • A time when you felt truly welcome and “at home” at MCC

  • A moment when you felt MCC has offered practical help to you along the way

  • A moment in an MCC worship service that moved you

  • A moment in an MCC program that was transformative for you

  • A time when you received a gift of grace from MCC

  • A moment when you stepped into a leadership role at MCC

  • How you have utilised your talents to serve God at MCC

  • How you have utilised your time to serve God at MCC

  • How you have utilised your finances to serve God at MCC

  • How your time at MCC has helped you on your faith journey

  • How your time at MCC has helped you to reconcile your faith and your sexuality

  • How you have used your possessions to help glorify God’s mission at MCC

  • How MCC has challenged you and called you to be transformed in some way

  • How MCC has comforted you and held you during times of sorrow

  • How Scripture has been a source of inspiration to you and has encouraged you to belong to MCC

  • How your prayer life has deepened during your time at MCC

  • How God has spoken to you during your time at MCC

  • How you have sought to live out Jesus’ command to love your neighbour during your time at MCC

  • How your MCC neighbour has reached out to you and offered God’s love in a tangible way

  • How MCC has helped inspire you to live out God’s values of justice and peace

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