We have built a house of worship for the loud and proud, the lost, the lonely and the enquiring alike. We have welcomed those with families and those without. We have catered to women and men who have felt alienated by other churches. We have supported beloved friends who are living with HIV. We have welcomed refugees, new migrants and visitors from abroad.
The Spirit truly does move at MCC Sydney. We are committed to teaching and learning more of the message of Christ, and helping each other learn and grow with God and to spreading the gospel in a supportive, non-bullying manner. If we had to pick a single thing we wanted to be famous for, we'd probably say the way we welcome anyone who wants to worship with us.
Jesus said: “A new commandment I give to you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”
At MCC Sydney, you are loved, you are accepted and you are free.
Our vision at MCC Sydney is simple:
Seek Growth
Find Life
Know Love
Our goal is simple: to provide a place of worship where everyone is welcome, without exception. You are welcome.
Church's Venue & Office
Address: 96 Crystal St, Petersham, NSW 2040, Australia
Office Hours: Varied
Office Phone: (02) 9569 5122 (most often diverts to voicemail)
To contact the board:
For inquiry about events, wedding, etc:
Our Board of Directors
The people who are currently serve our Board are:
Rev Geoff Ivers - Chair
Rev Greg Smith - Secretary
Pj Dwyer - Treasurer
Dr Mark Isaac Dalgleish - Lay Delegate
Sophia Bruem - Director
Peter Webster - Director
Joey Yung - Director
Venue Hire
If you are looking to hire a well-maintained air-conditioned auditorium in Sydney's inner-west, please contact us at office@mccsydney.org

If you or someone you are with is in immediate danger, call 000 or go to your nearest hospital emergency department.
Responses from us via this website or after leaving a voicemail can take a few days. If you have an urgent situation in need of counselling, we recommend contacting one of the following external services:
QLife.org.au 1800 184 527 (3pm-12am)
Lifeline.org.au 13 11 14 (24 hr)
Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 (8am-5pm Mon-Fri)
MensLine.org.au 1300 789 978 (24 hr)
Reach Out: au.reachout.com
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 (24hr)
BeyondBlue.org.au 1300 22 46 36 (24hr)
Headspace.org.au 1800 650 890
Domestic violence line 1800 RESPECT