Come To The Table
14 Aug 2021
Unknown Source
You don’t need to bring anything to God to be Beloved.
You don’t need to bring unconditional trust.
You don’t need to bring radical obedience.
You’re Beloved when you show up with open hands. You’re Beloved when you don’t have it in you to show up at all.
This is the scary, beautiful mystery of the Table.
The Bible and Homosexuality

6 Aug 2021
Rev. Mona West, Ph.D.
Lesbians and gay men face discrimination because of societal attitudes. Unfortunately, these attitudes are often taught by churches and, sadly, the Bible is frequently used as a weapon to “bash” lesbians and gays. It is important to remember that such hurtful things are not a reflection of Christ, or the way God wants the church to be, or even what the Bible really says.
Only a small number of passages in the entire Bible reference same-sex sexual activity (six out of sixty-six books of the entire Bible). Obviously this topic was not of great concern to the biblical writers. Yet these verses have been used to justify hatred, condemnation and exclusion of God’s lesbian and gay children.
Christian and gay: A religious leader reflects

17 July 2021
MSNBC Digital Documentaries
Fearless: Reverend Troy Perry founded the Metropolitan Community Church in 1968 as an outreach to the underserved gay community. Rev. Perry looks back at his personal evolution from a heterosexually-married, closeted gay man in the conservative south to a spiritual and civil rights leader of the LGBT community in Los Angeles and beyond.
Upstairs Inferno Trailer

17 July 2021
Camina Entertainment
This is a trailer. As featured in major media outlets including The New York Times, Advocate Magazine, NPR, Attitude Magazine and CNN, the award-winning documentary, UPSTAIRS INFERNO, chronicles one of the deadliest attacks on the LGBT community: the 1973 New Orleans Up Stairs Lounge arson. This event was considered the "Largest Gay Mass Murder in U.S. History" for over four decades.
Content Warning: the following video contains material that may be harmful/ traumatizing/ offensive/ disturbing to some audiences. It may contains violence, blood, or graphic images.
Homosexuality is Not a Sin

14 July 2021
Rev Greg Smith
In our Judeo-Christian society, the documents known as the Bible serve as the primary guide on most issues. It is interesting that many Christians take literally the references to homosexual acts while interpreting other text with great flexibility. One person reported listening to a nationally known woman speak in her campaign against homosexuality. She spent much time quoting impressively from Leviticus. The listener accepted much of what the speaker had said until realizing that by Levitical standards, the crusader had herself broken many biblical laws: women speaking in church, women teaching men, wearing a dress made of cotton and polyester, and probably many others as well.
What does the Bible really say about homosexuality?
The Power of the Bible

11 July 2021
Rev. Mona West, Ph.D.
Different Voices Interpreting Scripture Because the Bible was written centuries ago and came from an ancient near eastern culture, it is difficult at times to know exactly what the Bible says about certain issues
especially contemporary ones. For a long time it was thought that the best way, the scientific way, of interpreting the Bible was to discover the original intent of the author of a particular biblical passage. It was also thought that meaning could only be found in the words of the text of the Bible itself.
However, in the 1980’s this approach to interpreting the Bible was called into question, most specifically by women. Feminist approaches to scripture discovered that .....
Our Story Too ... Reading the Bible with "New Eyes"

11 July 2021
Rev. Nancy L. Wilson
While it is true that the Bible was written in the context of patriarchal, heterosexist cultures, the message and story of God's unconditional love in Christ can also be the "power of salvation" for our GLBT community.
A bold, proactive reading of the Bible offers new life for GLBT individuals, their families, and their friends. Consensus is growing among respected scholars of Scripture that the Bible does not condemn such relationships. Contemporary GLBT Christians have focused on proving that the Bible does not condemn homosexuality. It is time to move beyond defending this position. It is not enough for the Bible simply not to condemn homosexuality. We must be able to say, "Yes, it is..."Our Story, Too!"
Homosexuality Is Not a Sin, Not a Sickness

17 July 2021
Rev. Elder Don Eastman
The most beautiful word in the Gospel of Jesus Christ is "whosoever." All of God's promises are intended for every human being. This includes gay men and lesbians. How tragic it is that the Christian Church has excluded and persecuted people who are homosexual!
Coming Out As a Sacrament

11 July 2021
Rev. Mona West, Ph. D.
A sacrament is an act that mediates the grace and mystery of God. Coming out is a sacrament for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) people of faith because it sets us on a lifelong path of manifesting God’s grace in our lives. Coming out is crucial to our spiritual development because it starts us on a journey of integrating our GLBT identity into our whole life. Or to say it another way: embracing our GLBT identity is an invitation to go deeper in our spiritual journey.
Vision of MCC Sydney

11 July 2021
MCC Sydney
Our clear vision statement acts as a unifying force, and has a positive impact on our organizational effectiveness. It acts as a guide for our organization's actions and decision making. We hope it could motivate and inspire you reader. When you understands and aligns with our core values and vision, you could be able to readily commit to, and engage in, our organization’s efforts.
MCC Sydney Protection Policys: Caring for All God’s People

14 Aug 2021
MCC Sydney
The Metropolitan Community Church of Sydney Ltd is committed to ensuring that our church is a welcoming and safe place where all persons (be they employees, members, visitors, or volunteers) are treated with the same love, respect and dignity that Jesus offers to us all.