A warm welcome to Worship, especially visitors and new folk among us. May God’s grace and peace be with you.
Weekly Worship
96 Crystal Street Petersham
10.00 am & 6.30pm
‘Safe, Inclusive, All are welcome!’
Scriptures for February 2nd
Malachi 3:1-4 ⬧ Psalm 84 ⬧ Hebrews 2:14-18 ⬧ Luke 2:22-40
Scriptures for February 9th
Isaiah 6:1-8 ⬧ Psalm 138 ⬧ 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 ⬧ Luke 5:1-11
Sunday 2nd February – Presentation of Jesus
10am Message: Rev Elder Stuart Sutherland
6.30pm Message: Rev Elder Stuart Sutherland
Sunday 9th February –Epiphany 5
10am Message: Rev Geoff Ivers
6.30pm Message: Rev Geoff Ivers

Prayer is a foundation of a faith community. If you would like prayer shared for yourself or someone you know, please make a note in the prayer request book in the foyer.
This is an open book so that during the Prayers of the People in Sunday Services the requests made will be included and prayed for.
Our Facebook Page - Members and Friends of MCC Sydney is a private group where you can participate in our community online. If you can’t make it to Sunday Services in person please join the live stream each Sunday through the Facebook page.
Being a private group you will be asked to apply and answer a few easy questions.
To give electronically anonymously for the work and worship of our community:
Account Name: Metropolitan Community Church Sydney
BSB: 082-048
Account No: 509 412 200
Or donate via Paypal
Activities Coming Up
Sunday, Feb 2nd - 10am & 6pm
Guest Ministry – Rev Elder Stuart Sutherland
Thursday, Feb 6th at 10:30am
Morning Devotions at Church & Facebook Stream
Join in a time of praise, prayer and reflection at the church or online on the Facebook Stream at Facebook Page: Members and Friends of MCCS.
Sunday, Feb 16th – Noon
Fellowship Lunch at Brighton Café
Come and join us at the Brighton Café just down the street from the church for food and fellowship. Approx 12 noon.
Looking Ahead 2025

Friday, Feb 14th – Mardi Gras Festival begins

Sunday, Feb 16th – Mardi Gras Fair Day - MCC Sydney Stall
11am to 4pm
Join us at the big day out in Victoria Park Broadway at Mardi Gras Fair Day. We will have an MCC Information Stall to share our message of Christian faith and God’s love to everyone. If you’re able to give an hour or two sharing information please let us know at email office@mccsydney.org

Saturday, March 1st – Mardi Gras Parade and Party – Cloakroom
Tuesday, March 4th – Rainbow Christians Together Pancake Pride 2025
5.30pm - 8pm at St. Stephens Uniting Church 197 Macquarie Street Sydney.
Join us from across denominations to celebrate with pancakes, music, worship and conversation, in a welcoming, inclusive and relaxed atmosphere as we begin our Easter journey. Free Event.

Wednesday, Mar 5th - Lent begins - 7pm
Ash Wednesday Service

MCC General Conference 2025
General Conference Discussion Circles are the main way that you can give feedback on bylaw proposals, motions and other items of business, before the General Conference Business Meeting. Everyone in MCC can participate. Items to be discussed will be sent out in a Discussion Pack by the end of the first week of February, prior to the Discussion Circles starting.
Notes from each session will be shared on the General Conference Business Meeting page after each Discussion Circle, so that you can see what was said in all the Discussion Circles.
The Business Meeting pack will contain the final versions of Bylaw proposals, motions and other business, once the feedback from Discussion Circles has been reviewed and any changes made in consequence.
This Business Pack will be issued by the end of April, so that Lay Delegates can consult with their congregations.
The following dates for Discussion circles have been set in consultation with Network leaders, MCC staff and others around the world.
Please use the following Zoom link to join any Discussion Circle:
Thursday 20th February ENGLISH – Singapore, Manilla, Brisbane, Auckland 8:30pm Sydney.
Saturday 22nd February ENGLISH - Singapore, Manilla, Brisbane, Auckland, 1pm Sydney.
To know more about MCC General Conference click the link below.
MCC Sydney Celebrates 50 faith filled years this year.
There will be activities for us to rejoice and give thanks for the heritage and ministry of our church. An anniversary dinner will be held in August. More details to come.