Front page, here you will find: introduction & menus, quick news, excerpt of announcements, short list of events/ timetable.
About how to plan your wedding
Our vision, what we do, newsletter, our pastor, contact details, map, Board members, emergency hotline & our resources
Projects that we support, and our supporters people & companies that we would like to introduce you to.
In 2020 we celebrated our 45 years anniversary. Find out how we survived these years. It's filled with struggle & accomplishment.
How we fund ourselves & why we need donation. Find our bank details inside.
Church services' times & days, what to expect, links to online services, latest videos of services.
See if you can help with our fundraising or explore our market place where our community can make tradings to support MCC Sydney.
Various study groups, training & conversation groups, eg. Bible Study, Men's Group, Women's Group, Virtual Cafe, Lunch Chat.
Full list of upcoming events/ timetable (times, dates, details) eg. church services/ worship, conversation groups, mardi grass
Your gateway on what's happening at MCCS community. If you are not checking our website regularly, we'll deliver it to you.
Church's announcements/ notices in full texts.