The 2021 Advent Series looks to explore how to find hope and strength during trying times. Come and join us as we navigate this wonderful four (4) week series of:
Trusting in God's promise; Week 1 - Wednesday, 1st December 2021 @ 7:30pm (90mins)
Being open to be refined 'as we endure'; Week 2 - Tuesday, 7th December 2021 @ 7:30pm (90mins)
Knowing that God is in your midst (always); Week 3 - Tuesday, 14th December 2021 @ 7:30pm (90mins)
Looking to God's future and following Jesus' way; Week 4 - Tuesday, 21st December 2021 @ 7:30pm (90mins)
Dr Mark has a refreshing way of interpreting the Word with both humour and passion. Come. Join us. All are welcome.
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