A warm welcome to Worship, especially visitors and new folk among us. May God’s grace and peace be with you.
You can download this bulletin using the link below
Contents of Bulletin
Weekly Worship
96 Crystal Street Petersham
10.00 am & 6.30pm
‘Safe, Inclusive, All are welcome!’
Sunday April 7th Easter 2
Acts 4:32-35 Psalm 133 1 John 1:1–2:2 John 20:19-31
10.00am Message: Rev Geoff Ivers
6.30pm Message: Rev Geoff Ivers
Sunday April 14th Easter 3
Acts 3:12-19 Psalm 4 1 John 1:3-7 Luke 34:36b-48
10.00am Message: Dr. Mark Isaac Dalgleish
6.30pm Message: Dr. Mark Isaac Dalgleish
If you would like prayer shared for yourself or someone you know, please make a note in the prayer request book in the Church's foyer.
Activities coming up
April 18th - 10.30am Morning Devotions @Church/Facebook Stream at Members and Friends of MCC Sydney Page. *
April 28th - Pastoral Search Committee Nominations Close Nominate for Pastoral Search Committee. MCC Sydney is about to look for our next pastor. 3 volunteer positions available with a 3–4-hour commitment per week. Tasks will be to develop an application pack, screen applications, interview candidates and make a recommendation to the Board. More Info at: https://536506da-6395-4e0e-ab67- fc663bcfa797.usrfiles.com/ugd/536506_cffba34906b34 6ccb26484e5abc9f00b.pdf
May 12th - Mothers Day
May 17th - IDAHOBIT - Social Dinner at Church (The International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia) (TBA - please check again later)
Plan now for June 14-16 to be at MCC Aotearoa/Australia Network Gathering @ MCC Sydney Church. From across the country and across the ocean we will gather for a weekend of worship, discussion and celebration of MCC community. Cost: $25 Concession $15 Includes Saturday morning and afternoon tea and lunch. Register at: www.trybooking.com/1195760
* Our Facebook Page -Members and Friends of MCC Sydney is a private group where you can participate in our community online. Being a private group you will be asked to apply and answer a few easy questions. If you can’t make it to Sunday Services in person please join the live stream each Sunday through the Facebook page. Come and join us. Link