Welcome Home
A Blessing For You
A warm welcome to Worship,
especially visitors and new folk among us.
May God’s grace and peace be with you.

Metropolitan Community Church Sydney
is an affirming Christian Church for all people, and especially LGBTIQA+ identifying people.
As a progressive Christian church we are open to all people who want to learn more about God. We give thanks to God for people of all genders, sexualities, ages and cultural backgrounds. At MCC all persons have value and worth, and are uniquely gifted to share the Good News with others. So no matter what, you are welcome at MCC Sydney.
We invite you to come as you are, whether you
identify as Christian, come from another faith background or are of no prior faith tradition.
Location: 96 Crystal St, Petersham, Sydney, NSW
Email: office@mccsydney.org
Our Services
Traditional Service
Every Sunday 10am.
The morning service is 'traditional', combining elements and worship practices that will be familiar to you if you have participated in Protestant or Catholic church services before. We recite liturgy, read from the bible, hear a sermon, pray, and sing hymns.
Contemporary Worship
Every Sunday 6.30pm.
In this contemporary worship service the music is modern, the worship style is flexible and different aspects of faith and spirituality are explored. This service is a unique blend from many different backgrounds and traditions and is for both young and old!
After the morning service or before evening service we invite everyone to join together for fellowhip at our pantry in the building. During this time we announce who's having a birthday that week & celebrate.

Venue For Hire
If you are looking to hire a well-maintained air-conditioned auditorium in Sydney's inner-west, MCC Sydney is available as a venue for your wedding or other events.
FYI, you don't need to be a member of our church, or of any other church, in order to get married with us.
Please contact us at office@mccsydney.org

Educational Articles & Videos
Come To The Table
10 Aug 2021
Unknown Source
You don’t need to bring anything to God to be Beloved.
You don’t need to bring unconditional trust.
You don’t need to bring radical obedience.
You’re Beloved when you show up with open hands. You’re Beloved when you don’t have it in you to show up at all.
This is the scary, beautiful mystery of the Table.
The Bible and Homosexuality

6 Aug 2021
Rev. Mona West, Ph.D.
Lesbians and gay men face discrimination because of societal attitudes. Unfortunately, these attitudes are often taught by churches and, sadly, the Bible is frequently used as a weapon to “bash” lesbians and gays. It is important to remember that such hurtful things are not a reflection of Christ, or the way God wants the church to be, or even what the Bible really says.
Only a small number of passages in the entire Bible reference same-sex sexual activity (six out of sixty-six books of the entire Bible). Obviously this topic was not of great concern to the biblical writers. Yet these verses have been used to justify hatred, condemnation and exclusion of God’s lesbian and gay children.
Christian and gay: A religious leader reflects

15 July 2021
MSNBC Digital Documentaries
Fearless: Reverend Troy Perry founded the Metropolitan Community Church in 1968 as an outreach to the underserved gay community. Rev. Perry looks back at his personal evolution from a heterosexually-married, closeted gay man in the conservative south to a spiritual and civil rights leader of the LGBT community in Los Angeles and beyond.
What People Say
About Us

Sydney Star Observer (SSO) interviewed Peter Webster one of our members in 2015:
SSO: "As LGBTI people become more accepted in heterosexual society, why should places like MCC Sydney continue to exist?"
“We could go to a gay-friendly church, and there’s a number of them, and we can take communion. (But) We can’t do it together. We can’t kiss. We can’t hold hands. No matter how open and affirming, and that’s the official term, ‘affirming’, churches are, there are limits.”
“In MCC Sydney, my partner and I take communion,” Webster said.
“We go down there together. We hold hands. We give each other the bread and the wine. We kiss. Then we go for prayer with the pastor… then at the end of that we kiss again".
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